Monday 28 March 2016

Why I am a feminist and you should be proud of being one too

The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes- this is the first result that shows up when one Googles the term Feminism.

So given our history and the continuous oppression of the womankind and all, I suppose this term makes a lot of sense. But of late I have observed that over the social media this term is used more as an insult than an empowering label. And I fail to understand why. So many stereotypes are being created- from feminists being ugly and hairy to calling them feminazis. All this for what? 

Many people come up with this argument that feminism is a tactic used by women to get special treatment or the likes. Look, I do not really know who told you that but I believe that since it is the womankind which had to bear the brunt of everything- from being treated as a substandard human being to many other things- they kind of, maybe, sort of deserve special treatment. But now by way of adopting a Yes maam approach to everything but in ways of opportunities, education, self respect and the like. I suppose that is feminism in its truest sense. 

Even Emma Watson supports the Feminist movement and she is certainly not ugly or hairy.

Never for once have I ever read in any text related to feminism that it advocates male bashing or creating a world ruled by women or any other popular perception that people may hold but a clear view that a lot needs to be done to bring women at par with the opposite sex. Now I understand the concern of some people who say that women use this term to obtain an undue advantage over men and not even for once do I dispute it, But when have we ever come across a philosophy that does not have some repercussions of its own. Does that mean we abandon an ideology altogether and completely overlook the greater good it has achieved?

Everyday there are movements cropping up like (Wo)Men against Feminism or any other movement by some fancy name that seeks to counter the Feminist movement, So what are you advocating? Going by the definition of the term itself probably that women should not have equal rights as that of men. Is it what you are rooting for? Because if you are, I am not so sure why your opinion even matters because you are exactly the kind of people against whom the feminist movement originated in the first place.

The feminist movement has never advocated male bashing.

Around the world women are still deprived of basic education, they go through their menstruating years without proper access to sanitation facilities, are severely underpaid, undergo genital mutilation, become victims of domestic violence, molestation, rapes (even marital), undergo forced abortions, sacrifice their careers in the name of family...the list is endless and if you still think feminism is not needed then it is your plain ignorance that is talking because equality for women in context of sexes is still a far cry.

So if you say you are all for equality but not feminism, that is like having your feet in two different boats while trying to reach the same destination- you are bound to get drowned. And for the next time you say you hate feminism? Take a step back and remember- you do not hate it, you just do not understand it.

I love Feminism and you should too!

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