Thursday 21 January 2016

Why we love to hate? An insight into the human nature.

Humans are weird creatures, hypocrite if may say. How many times you’ve seen people judging people who hate other people. (Yes, I became mighty redundant there) But you know it is the truth.
We love to judge and we love to hate.

Humans love to hate even if we don't admit it.

Hate. Pretty strong word, that. Don’t you think? So Cambridge dictionary defines the word hate as “to dislike someone or something very much”. I see, so what do you hate? A classmate/colleague? A politician? Some artists? A,, person, thing whatever. But we do hate something or someone. Why?

Our hate extends to almost every aspect of our lives and we seem to be okay with that

Maybe because it is the easiest thing to do when we come across a situation that doesn’t necessarily go down well with us. Let’s face it, we humans love to hate. And anyone who says who doesn’t hate anyone or anything is a liar. I, for example, hate Arvind Kejriwal, or I hate a certain senior who I think is a bully and insanely selfish, or I hate lizards…yes, the list is getting pretty random now. But you get the point right?
We love to feed off off our hatred for others. If I may say on a more serious note, look at what’s happening around the world. Political tensions, mass murders, civil war, loads of violence. Why? Simply because our hate knows no bounds. Whether we’re commenting on a news story, or some social media post, or when you’re driving on the road. We unconsciously emanate so much hate, it’s crazy that it’s almost become our second nature. 

Whether it's something as random as a social media post, the hate is evident.

What people don’t understand that by reacting to such incidents all we’re doing is adding more hate to the cup that’s already been filled to the brink. We’ve reached a saturation point. There’s no going beyond that. The only way out is to actually incorporate love within yourself. I’m not asking you or preaching a “love thy neighbor” thing. God knows, even I can’t do that. But what you can really do is remain unaffected by such incidents whether they’re happening around the world or closer home, they are happening to you at a personal level.
The goal is to remain unaffected by all such negativity and not let it distort your reality in any way. 

Love, love, love is the key.


  1. Is it possible to remain unaffected ?

    1. It is. Personally what I tend to do, is imagine a bubble that surrounds you and provides you with a protective layer. It is best you imagine this right when you wake up in bed before your feet touches the ground. You can do the same for your loved ones.
      Works wonders!
