Saturday 2 July 2016

Why you should date someone who will tell you how they feel

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” — Dale Carnegie
The say love is hard. It’s a series of chemical reactions in your mind and body that could potentially land you up in a situation where you may or may not want to bed (depending upon where you are).
An exhilarating experience, as told by some, with a few bumps along the road. Whilst we try to make things easy for our partners and ourselves (unless you’re a damaged person seeking drama in your relationship) there are times when we fail despite our best efforts.
Why does that happen? Why do we fail?

Because contrary to popular belief, feelings matter.

Because we fail to communicate. We fail to say what we feel. We fail to do what we feel. Feelings and actions, they say, make or break your relationships but of late, we’ve all been conditioned to hide our feelings. Because if we hide our feelings, we protect ourselves from a potential heartache. But that is what it is…a ‘potential’ heartache. You can’t know love if you are not willing to test the waters; if you are not willing to risk yourself a heartache once in a while.

No matter how far you grow in your life, professionally and financially, true growth comes from within, when you treat sadness with the same respect as you do with elation. When you brave a broken heart, the same way you would tend to a happy memory. That is what measures your true growth. And screw societal norms that you cannot cry or you cannot leave your heart vulnerable because crying is beautiful, giving your heart to someone and expecting them to keep it with love and care is brave not cowardly.
There is nothing more meditative than strings of pearls escaping your eyes for they cleanse your soul, they vacate your soul of all the negativity that has built up and to let you know that in spite of all the heartache, you will get back up as an injured warrior who may have lost some battles every once in a while but who will ultimately win the war.
There is nothing more brave than getting your heart broken and collecting all the pieces, getting back up and loving someone with the same intensity, same passion once again, if not more.
You may emerge hurt sometimes out of such an experience, but it will help you grow, it will help you to expand in ways you could not have imagined because baring your heart and soul to someone, to show them how you really feel, is really special. And worth the heartache. Every. Single. Time.

“There’s one sad truth in life I’ve found
While journeying east and west –
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best.”
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox

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